Why Folding Tray and Sleeve Style Boxes Are Great?

Packaging is used for products of all kinds, types, sizes and styles. Not only does packaging keep products safe, but also it presents them in an elegant way for customers on retail shelves. In the modern much competitive business landscape where any product has a ton of direct competition, you need every feature of your product perfect. Making your products look great while they are packaged in their packaging boxes is one of these attractive features that can attract customer attention. Attracting customer’s attention usually means boosted sales for products as well.
One such type of packaging boxes is the perfect Sleeve Boxes or sleeve and tray boxes. Having a separate piece for their inner tray and also one for their sliding sleeve, these take elegant packaging to a whole new level. Sleeve Boxes for Paper products are used in many different ways. Custom Sleeve Boxes for fashion products are very popular in the industry. Having a virtually smooth and plain cardboard sleeve, Custom Printed Sleeve Boxes offer much-printed space on every side for product manufacturers.
When printed with the right designs and made from right materials, these can be the most beautiful boxes in the market keeping products secure. If you are wondering why these perfect sleeve and tray-style boxes are one of the best packaging option, here’s why:

Why You Need Flat-Shipped Folding Boxes?

First, if you are a product manufacturer, you need to determine why in the first place, you might need these sleeve and tray boxes. All products will need packaging of some kind to keep them safe, organized and presentable, using beautiful, functional packaging should always be the top priority. This is where Custom Sleeve Boxes become useful. These are perfect types of packaging boxes for:
  • Shipping and delivery products for e-commerce businesses
  • Retail display products offering beautiful printing and designing options
  • Storage products with their unique double-layered durable materials
Removing the top sleeve and placing your tray containing packaged products on a retail shelf makes products look great. This keeps products safely organized while customers can look at products directly and can be sleeved up quickly and efficiently. 
Additionally, these flat-shipped folding sleeve and tray boxes are also very storage-friendly. If you often get wholesale bulk amounts of packaging, you will know how much of a problem storage for packaging can be. Flat-shipped boxes can be store easily and assembled into their shape and position effortlessly. 

Applications In the Retail Industry

When you get custom flat-shipped easy to assemble sleeve and tray boxes for your retail products, you can sort many of your packaging problems out. First of all, you will not have to worry about storage issues for bulk packaging. These storage-friendly boxes can also be assembled quickly and effortlessly. Being able to display products beautifully, these can be used for:
  • Luxury products that are sold from display shelves like perfumes, jeweler and/or wearable tech
  • Fashion clothing as you will be able to display packaged products perfect in all their glory with an added clear plastic film
  • Beautiful and expensive decoration products that might be fragile with custom inserts in the trays
  • General retail products including toys, domestic household small to medium products and also many grocery items
Applications for folding sleeve and tray boxes in the retail industry are countless. You will need to make these look great as well. While tray inside can be plain white or any other simple color and design, all the designing and printing can be activated on the sleeves.
For expensive retail products, you can use Custom Printed Sleeve Boxes with metallic gold or silver foiling on them. Embossing or degassing is also another beautiful printing idea. You should keep in mind the fact that more beautiful and attractive your boxes are, better chances your products will have to sell more.

Added Safety for Expensive Products

Additional to making your expensive products look great, perfect Sleeve Boxes can also keep fragile products safe. These offer a dual-layer of materials and can also be topped off with custom tray inserts made from different materials. When you get sturdy card stock materials for your sleeve and tray boxes, these will keep products safe for as long as required.
Sleeve Boxes for Paper products such as magazines or other reading material can keep your products safe and organized. Heavy and expensive products like technology items or perfumes will benefit from their inner tray inserts greatly. For a product that may be very fragile, you can also use double-layered materials for all sides of the inner tray to add more safety. Sleeves can be made thin and light and also thick and durable depending on your product requirements as well.

Perfect for Shelf Display

As discussed above, sleeve and tray boxes are the perfect choices when you need to display your retail items on shelves. Adding a clear layer of clear protective plastic to the top of their trays, you can place them on retail shelves easy without the sleeves. Sleeves can be tucked under products or kept separately for use when required. 
Also, sleeves on these boxes can be printed with beautiful designs. This boosts their retail appeal attracting customer attention towards products efficiently and boosting their sales in the process as well. 

Should You Use Folding Sleeve and Tray Style Boxes?

Okay, so you are now clear in your mind how perfect Folding Sleeve and Tray boxes can be perfect for your products right! Should you use them for your products is a question answered by your product requirements. Sleeve Boxes have many good things going about them. These can keep your products safe and protected for as long as required. These also offer great printable surfaces for enhanced designing. These are perfect for retail, shipping or storage product as well.

The only concerning thing you might have to deal with is the price point. Custom Sleeve Boxes can be that slight bit more expensive than other regular packaging boxes. More material and designing goes into these raising their price up ever so slightly. When you have wholesale bulk packaging needs, this factor should be considered. If you can look past their slight price spike, these boxes will be perfect for many kinds of products. We highly recommend you give these a try and if they suit your products, make them your general style of packaging boxes.